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VIP Experience Blog

Dancing with the Stars: Live Studio Audience #dwts

Dancing with the Stars: Live Studio Audience 4/18/16


Make memories, don’t collect things…

About 10 years ago I had a friend from high school who tragically passed away from cancer far too soon and an Uncle that had saved his entire life to fulfill all of these dreams he had when he retired, he ended up with brain cancer and passed away before he had that chance.  Those two deaths truly changed my outlook on life.  You need to make memories, have experiences, make the most of every day because life changes in the blink oDSC00349f an eye.

I have been a viewer of Dancing with the Stars since season 1 and I had always hoped to one day be in the live audience.  A cast member at the show kindly offered to give me tickets to the show and to say I was excited would be an understatement.  I quickly determined who I wanted to take with me and made all the travel plans to get out to LA for the Switch Up week.



I arrived around 4:00 and went to the VIP check-in area.  They verified we were on the list aNylend told us what section we were in etc.  At that point they take your cell phones from you and you are given a card to pick them up after the show.  After that you go through a metal detector and they check your belongings.  Once you are set with that you are escorted into the studio to your section and then to your assigned seats.  It was such a surreal experience walking into the studio.  It was much smaller than it looks on TV.  We were seated on the 2nd level, front row directly across from the judges table and the interview room was directly to my left.  It was so exciting to actually be in the studio and to realize I would be able to see everything perfectly from where I was seated.

Not long after we were seated the various other groups were escorted to their seats.  The Audience Coordinator that is in charge of the audience energy etc. invited us down to the dance floor for a brief dance party before the show started.  As I was entering the dance floor area I nearly ran directly into Nyle DiMarco as he was trying to exit to the back of the studio.  We were able to take photos with a camera if we wanted while we were on the dance floor.  There was so much fun energy in the room I knew it would be a special
Paigenight.   After the 2 or 3 songs ended they asked us to take our seats.

Once everyone was back in their seats they rehearsed the opening number and the Audience Coordinator told us he would be telling us when to clap, cheer etc. and said they wanted to see a ton of energy out of us since the last two weeks they felt it was lacking a bit.  The energy in the room now was palpableDSC00357, I was beyond excited for the show to start.  A few minutes later we were told to start yelling and clapping as loud as we could and the show started live.  The opening number was absolutely amazing, full of energy and just flawless.  One interesting thing I noticed right away is it’s absolutely impossible for you to hear what Tom and Erin are saying in the studio because it is so loud.   When they are playing the packages that you see on TV they are running on two screens in the studio, one above the stairs to the main stage and then another in the back so their truly isn’t a bad seat in the house.  On the 2nd level there was only 2 rows and I am pretty sure the 3rd level was the same.  Another amazing thing that you see live is the set change outs.  They truly hustle to get those sets torn down and the new ones in within minutes on commercial breaks, I can only imaDSC00351gine how much more complicated it is on Disney week.


The judges were all so funny.  It was nice to have Maks on as guest judge.  I have read a lot of thoughts and comments about hMaksis guest spot and I will say my opinion is he was hard on some because he knows they can do better.  He has won the show, he knows what it takes along with all of his years of dance experience.

On commercial breaks they were doing trivia questions with the audience and it was nice to see how each of the couples gets in the zone so to speak ahead of their performance.  Some would stay loose, others would practice portions of their dances and others appeared to be running through their routiSharnane in their heads.  The beauty and pure emotion of some of the dances are just that much more intense in the live audience.  Nyle and Sharna’s dance for example had me in tears because you couldn’t help but, feel the emotion of every movement.  It’s a bit different than watching it at home.  The studio was actually a bit warm too which was a little surprising to me, I had always heard studios were more on the chilly side but, that’s probably for the safety of the pros/stars.

After the live show was over (it went SO fast), we were asked to stay in our seats because they were going to film the opening dance for week 7.  The pros had to go change to get ready for that and you could see the stars mingle a bit with their friends/family that had been in the audience that night.  After about 20 minutes the pros took the stage and did two takes for the opening number.  I don’t want to give away too much on that so it won’t spoil it when you watch.  Once that wGingeras done we all exited and got into this long line to get our cell phones back.  For more on what I thought on the dances please check out my weekly blog.

As a guest of someone on the show we had special access after the show to go back and say hello/thank you etc.  I have met most of the pros on the various tours over the years and I cannot say enough about down to earth, genuine, kind and talented they all are. It was nice to run into Sharna, Brittany, Hayley, Alan, Maks, Val and Keo. The stars that I came in contact with were also very nice.  Paige is stunningly beautiful and is having a greAlanat time on the show.  Kim is so sweet and just radiates happiness.  Nyle is even better looking in person, beyond handsome and Ginger is seriously the absolute nicest person.  Her husband Ben is incredibly funny and they really are the cutest couple.  I also saw Doug Flutie but, didn’t want to ask for a picture because he was with his friends and family at the time and already had quite a few people waiting for him.  He seemed to be very kind to each person he was interacting with.

If you ever have a chance to be a part of the live studio audience for either this show or another show that may be your personal favorite, I would highly recommend the experience.  It’s just such a fun eneKimrgy to be a part of the audience.  The dances are amazing on TV but, the emotion in person truly is palpable.  I will never forget this amazing experience and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity.





What was I wearing:





If you have any questions please feel free to ask….


Until next Val and Heathertime,




Entertainment Blog

Dancing with the Stars: Switch Up Night

Dancing with the Stars:  Switch Up Night




Season 22/Week 5

This week is always an interesting one on Dancing with the Stars.  I really think the couples are matched up perfectly this season and I was so excited to see them all perform.  I was in the audience last night and I will be writing a separate article on what’s its like being in the studio.

Loved the opening number it was so full of energy and so much fun to watch!

Wanya Morris and Witney Carson (Lindsay Arnold): Tango


Song: James Bay’s “Hold Back the River”

I was really excited for this match up.  I love Witney as a pro but, I haven’t been feeling the maCgHAg_1WQAA_idngic spark between she and Von this season and I think Wanya’s personality and skills will make for a fun match up.  He reminds me so much of Alfonso with his charisma.

I thought their dance was good, it was clean, sharp, seemed to connect really well.  Wanya seems to truly excel in the faster dance styles an
d I think it’s because has just so much energy and he can release it in the faster dance styles but, I think he continues to improve and is still a contender this season.  Len felt it was hectic.  Bruno liked it and highlight the difficult content included and stated that he has incredible ability.  Carrie Ann mentioned that it was a tough song to do the Tango to which also was a valid point.  I do love how classy Wanya is with the judges’ comments, scores etc.  He truly seems to take it to heart and you can tell he has that winning spirit.

Scores:  8-7-7-8 = 30 points
Phone: 800-868-3412


Kim Fields and Keo Motsepe (Sasha Farber): Viennese Waltz


Otis Redding’s “These Arms of Mine”

I think this will be another great match up.  Keo is a talented dancer and Kim’s personality is truly shining through these last few weeks.  The height difference may be an issue but, I hope they both have fun with this partnership.

Kim has one of the most expressive faces in the competition and she has been radiating joy the last several weeks.  She’s a pleasure to watc12963408_10154092835801740_7525276824160041752_nh.  I thought their dance was good, emotional, passionate, in character but, not much of it was done in hold.  I personally have not learned this dance style yet in the lessons I have been taking but, going off what I have seen in past seasons and on the DWTS tours I was thinking that might be the biggest comment from the judges.  Maks said it was a hard one that it was a great performance but, not a Viennese Waltz, lacking frame etc.  Bruno thought they were on the money on the emotion of the dance and Carrie Ann loved it.  Len agreed with Maks and he wanted to know why there wasn’t one step in hold.  Maks reminded Keo of the height differences between him and Meryl Davis.  My opinion is that Keo felt he was choreographing the best he could dealing with the height differences and I think he will continue to grow as a pro.   Keo and Kim should be proud of a solid performance this week.

Scores:  8-6-6-8 = 28 points
Phone: 800-868-3406


Doug Flutie and Peta Murgatroyd (Karina Smirnoff): Tango


Song:  Sam Sparro’s “Black & Gold”

This is another great match up.  Peta is an incredible teacher and Doug absolutely has the drive and the desire to learn and improve every week.   Not everyone learns dance at the same speed but, it’s hard not to route for someone that you can tell truly wants to succeed and improve every week.  It’s hard to get out of your own head at times and just relax into the dance. 12998679_10154092835786740_1870049239380947740_n

I think tonight was Doug’s best dance to date.  He did a great job and really seemed to work well with Peta’s style of teaching.  That is not to take anything away from Karina though.  It was a solid performance, it was intense, his footwork definitely showed improvement and he is also improving in getting into the character of the dance with his facial expressions.  The judges still think he needs to work on his musicality.  Maks highlighted that it was full of content and told him to just work on enjoying himself in the dance.  Tom Brady gave him a shout out and Bill Belichick doing an IG video post for him as well was great support.    Doug continues to improve so I would say BRAVO to you and Peta for a great job this week.

Scores:  7-7-7-7 = 28 points
Phone: 800-868-3402


Ginger Zee and Mark Ballas (Val Chmerkovskiy): Salsa


Eddie Palmieri’s “La Malanga”

Ginger grows by leaps and bounds each week.  The joy on her face is so evident and it really shows in all of her performances.  She wa12961545_10154092835591740_691835640881001394_nnts to go far in this competition and it is very evident in the hard work she demonstrates each and every week.  I will miss seeing her and Val dancing together this week but, I think this partnership with Mark has some fun potential.  Ginger’s husband, Ben is such a riot.  I crack up each week with what they air in the packages from Ben.  This week is a classic, Mark is like a glass of merlot and Val would be a dirty martini and then later Mark is the marrying type but, Val is more the Russian love slave.  Too funny!

Ginger took the stage full of sass tonight.  I loved her dance she absolutely crushed it this week!  The hip action was incredible, the lift, she nailed the character of the dance and you can tell she is having an absolutely amazing time on the show.  I thought it was a flawless performance in my opinion.  Kudos to Mark on choreography that truly made Ginger shine!  I know earlier in the season Ginger was hoping to get her sexy back, girl you got it!  Val was beaming with pride watching you!  The judges all absolutely loved it as well!  I did however think you deserved at least 9’s this week, the 8’s were too low.

Scores: 8-8-8-8 = 32 points
Phone: 800-868-3404

Antonio Brown and Karina Smirnoff (Sharna Burgess): Cha Cha


Song:  Dusty Springfield’s “Son of a Preacher Man”

I have really liked Antonio all season and felt he was underscored.  Since watching the show since 13012618_10154092835126740_7282044135142724463_nSeason 1 I also am interested to see the stories that are portrayed in the packages each week. Often I take them with a grain of salt.   This week there seemed to be a lot of emphasis on Antonio being late and not putting in the work.  Over the seasons a lot of celebrities have had very challenging schedules but, still put in the work it’s part of the commitment to the show and if he truly is late all the time that is not only disrespectful to the experience but, to your partner as well.

Karina you did a great job with the choreography this week.  Antonio had an explosive start to the dance with his flip.  It was full of energy but, this wasn’t his best dance to date.  The footwork didn’t seem as sharp as it was in past performances.   The judges overall were not impressed.  Len told him you have to polish and take it to the next step.

Scores:  7-6-6-7 = 26 points
Phone: 800-868-3401


Paige VanZant and Sasha Farber (Mark Ballas): Rumba


Song:  One Direction’s “Perfect”

I am excited to see this match up as well.  Sasha and Paige seem to have developed a fun friendship on the show.  It’s been great having Sasha back as a pro this year.  He is incredibly talented and matched with Paige’s amazing skills this should be a great dance!  We were all handed candles to hold during this performance which set the mood in the room.

I loved Pai13015683_10154092835586740_263735648576239341_nge’s dress tonight, it was beautiful!  Paige is too cute and I bet it’s hard to channel your inner sexy for such an intimate dance in a room full of people with a new partner.  I felt Sasha did a great job building that trust with Paige in this week.  I LOVED their dance.  It was beautiful, it told a story and had such elegance.  Every week I am in awe of Paige that she can be such an tough fighter and yet so incredibly graceful.  If I had to pick a top 3 today I would say for sure Paige will be in this for the long haul.  She is beautiful inside and out and absolutely should be proud!  Maks told her she is capable of winning but, was bothered by a lack of rumba content. Bruno and Carrie Ann really loved it! I thought Maks scored it too low, I understand his comments on the content but, the overall performance deserved at min straight 8’s at least.

Scores:   8-8-7-8 = 31 points
Phone: 800-868-3410

Von Miller and Lindsay Arnold (Witney Carson): Jive


Song:  Beans & Fatback’s “Hips”

I was hoping that Von would be matched with Lindsay.  I wanted to see if maybe he would have different chemistry with Lindsay.12961491_10154092835121740_8021071907562028779_n  Taking away nothing at all taking away from Witney.   I have just been trying to put my finger on my thoughts on Von all season.  Some partnerships have this amazing chemistry from the start, others it takes time to grow.

This was the first time this season I was truly impressed by Von.  He really brought it this week.  It was fun, it had high energy, he seemed highly engaged in the dance and you could tell he put in the effort.  For me it was his best dance of the season.  The judges all had great feedback.  Carrie Ann congratulated Lindsay how she worked with Von’s style.  The judges still want more out of Von but, I think he’s made the turn after this week and I hope it will continue.

Scores:  8-7-7-7 = 29 points
Phone: 800-868-3411


Nyle DiMarco and Sharna Burgess (Peta Murgatroyd): Viennese Waltz


Ruelle’s “I Get to Love You”

I absolutely was so excited to hear that Sharna would be matched with Nyle this week.  Both Sharna and Peta have amazing teaching abilities and truly can do amazing work with their partners.  They always make sure their partners shine and I think 13000179_10154092835811740_8166748323986911424_nwe are all in for seeing magic tonight.

Tyra Banks came to watch Nyle perform tonight.  Sharna is awesome, I love that she is just so real, their package was too funny.  When they were talking about relationships and Sharna said was he deaf referring to Nyle’s 10 year relationship and Nyle said no she was deaf as well.  Innocent mistake Sharna but, love that you can laugh it off.   Nyle is amazing to watch on television but, in person it is even more incredible.  I say it every week but, I am just in awe of his dancing abilities.  It truly shows everyone that nothing is a road block if you want to do something bad enough.  Sharna choreographed an absolutely stunning, raw, emotional, elegant and just beautiful Viennese Waltz.  I had tears in my eyes watching them.  Bravo Sharna and Nyle.  You did not disappoint tonight, you took our breath away.  Carrie Ann hit the nail on the head that Nyle truly has the advantage because he has been telling a story with his body his whole life.  LenCarrie Ann loved it and said it was a total eclipse!  Maks said best dance of the night & of the season and he still cannot figure out how it is possible for Nyle to perform so well.  Bruno loved it.  OMG seeing Nyle, Sharna and Peta all in tears too it was just so beautiful.

The scores were a huge issue because Maks and Bruno held up a 10 but, they were supposed to be 9’s.  The way it was explained is that at the end of a dance the judges all say the scores, Len writes them down and hands them off to production.  Bruno and Maks said they said 10’s but, Len heard 9’s and they have to go by what is written that goes to production.

Please check out Carrie Ann’s explanation on it on the Access Hollywood screen shot.

Scores:  9-10-9-9 = 37 points

Phone: 800-868-3409


Jodie Sweetin and Val Chmerkovskiy (Keo Motsepe): Paso Doble


Song:  Calvin Harris & Alesso’s “Under Control”

This is another partnership for switch up a lot of people were excited to see especially after Val and Maks did the guest starring role on Fuller House recently.  I do not understand why Jodie has been in the bott13006545_10154092835116740_5667847527826495275_nom 2 each week but, she needs a breakthrough to hopefully keep her in the competition and I know Val can do that.  He is such a strong, amazing leader and I think he can help Jodie get out of her head a bit more this week.

I was so excited watching their dance.  Val did a great job working with Jodie.  It has to be so hard to be in the bottom 2 and still
have that fire to come out and put down an amazing performance but, hands down Jodie did it!  It was dynamic, it was strong, it was a clean, full of content, intensity and Val choreographed and amazing Paso which perfectly highlighted Jodie’s fierce determination.  Bravo!   Len said last week was lemonade but, tonight was champagne!  Maks reminded the audience of Sabrina Bryan that was talented and sent home early.  Bruno and Carrie Ann also loved it.  It was so great to see such happiness in Jodie’s face and she fully got that it is just a dance.  Keep it up girl, you can go far in this competition!

Scores:  9-8-9-9, = 35 points
Phone: 800-868-3405


No eliminations this week.  They are going to combine the votes/scores from Disney week with Switch Up week and then someone will go home next week.  Overall it was a good week, I will work on another in-depth article on what it’s like to be in the live audience and post it in the next few days.  I loved every single moment of the experience.

A few final thoughts, Artem Chigvintsev and Jenna Johnson’s dance to “Let it Go” by James Bay was nothing short of pure magic.  It was so passionate and just one red hot dance number.  Fantastic job to you both!

Also want to compliment the troupe each performance tonight was amazing!  Great job!

Just a reminder if you want to get tickets to the HOTTEST tour this summer go to:  I will be blogging on the show and their various amazing VIP Packages this summer

#maksandval #ourwaytour

#maksandval #ourwaytour


VOTE by phone, facebook and on to avoid future surprising eliminations.


Until next time,







Entertainment Blog

Dancing with the Stars: Disney Week


Season 22/Week 4

Disney promo


Who is ready for a magical night?  It’s always a great week on Dancing with the Stars, love all the creativity that flows, the sets, the costumes/makeup and feel good music.  This year’s cast continues to impress so I bet they will not disappoint tonight.


Opening number was so much fun to watch!  All the pro’s look amazing and who doesn’t love watching Val play violin and dance at the same time, his talent is well…endless.  I think tonight will be a special night!

Welcome to Zendaya as guest judge this week!  It was nice to have her back on the show.  Also great to have Brittany Cherry back in the troupe tonight.

Also note the dances all go up to 1 min 30 seconds this week.


Antonio Brown & Sharna Burgess:  

Dance: Jazz/Song: “Friend Like Me” from Aladdin


There is just something I love about Antonio.  I really feel he shares his heart with us each week.  Sharna is such a great instructor.  She mentioned he needs to bring his cool cat to the routine and she hopes it is his best dance yet.  First of all Sharna looks absolutely amazing tonight, you go girl!

I thought Antonio absolutely had his best dance to date, he held his own wiIMG_2560 (2)th the male pro dancers and he absolutely brought the cool factor.  FANASTIC performance.  It was fun, it was creative and he demonstrated so much personality in the character. I had to go back and watch it again I loved it!  Bravo!  I truly hope the judges break out the higher paddles for this dance because they deserve it!  FINALLY some good scores for #teamboomin!!!

Scores: 9-8-9-9 (35 out of 40)
Marla Maples & Tony Dovolani:

Dance:  Waltz/Song:  “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid


Marla seems like such a sweet person, I love her Zen attitude, when it gets stressful let’s just do a cartwheel.  She and Tony have such a great partnership.

I loved their dance, the opening animation was great, their dance with clean, classy, graceful and really told the story.  Great job to Tony on the choreography.  I know a lot of people have said they think they have played it safe.  I think they have just been giving us good, clean, solid dances each week.  Marla is so classy.  The judges gave them all good feedback. Zendaya made a good point to enjoy the process.  I am sure it’s extremely hard with so much going on each week.

Scores:  7-7-7-7 (28 out of 40)



Nyle DiMarco & Peta Murgatroyd:

Dance: Samba/Song: “Trashin The Camp” from Tarzan


Every week I am on the edge of my seat when it’s time for Nyle and Peta.  I am just in awe of this couple.  It will be very interesting what happens during switch up week.  I am hoping Sharna gets matched with Nyle.  Nyle is going to be one smoking hot Tarzan! 12794640_1708426052703623_6862659142724183090_n

OMG that was the BEST!  I think that was my favorite dance I have ever seen Peta perform with a partner!  It was so much fun first and foremost but, my gosh,  I am speechless.  Nyle hits every single beat, every single move at just the right time and it is just amazing.  Kudos to Peta for fantastic choreography and for another week of inspiring teaching ability.  Nyle you showed off such amazing charisma, your fun personality and well you might just be the hottest Tarzan any of us ladies have ever seen!  FANTASTIC job to you both!  I am sure you will be getting some great scores!  The judges were all blown away.

Scores: 8-8-9-9 (34 out of 40)
Doug Flutie and Karina Smirnoff: 

Dance: Jazz/Song: “A Spoon Full of Sugar” from Mary Poppins


I am always interested in what they are showing in the packages each week as in many ways that is the producers telling a story and sometimes it does catch the stars at their most frustrating moments.  My impression of Doug is he is a perfectionist.  I think he has always been good at everything he has done and this is hard because he may not be picking it up as quickly as he wants to.  Karina made a good point when he got frustrated and said it’s only dancing. I hope he finds the fun in this experience.

If there is an underdog this season I routed for it would Cep-pQ4WEAAirCqbe Doug, I do think he tries, I just think it’s not coming together for him to the point
of progressing as much as some of the others.  This is a tough season filled with a lot of talent.  Their dance was fun, there were some mishaps and it’s just not up to the same level as the other pairs right now but, I truly applaud Doug for the effort he puts in each week.

When Tom told them they are safe after their dance I have to say my mouth fell to the floor.  We are in for a surprise elimination this week I am afraid to say.

Scores:  6-6-6-6 (24 out of 40)


Kim Fields and Sasha Farber: 

Dance: Quickstep/Song “I Wanna Be Like You” from The Jungle Book


Kim and Sasha are another pair I really look forward to each week.  Kim has truly relaxed and embraced the fun of the show.  She is full of joy, spunk and they are just such a great pairing!  It’s so great having Sasha back as a pro this year!

Their dance was so much fun, it was light, full of content and creativity!  It was hard not to smile and you could feel Kim’s joy right through the screenCeqXaXfWIAA1BSq!  Len really loved it and said it was her best dance so far and I totally agree.  Every week Kim improves.  Her smile is contagious.  It was hilarious when she dove on the desk to thank Bruno for his compliment.

Scores: 8-8-8-8 (32 out of 40)



Jodie Sweetin & Keo Motsepe:

Dance:  Cha-cha/Song: “Try Everything” from Zootopia


Jodie has the right mindset.  Loved what she said in her package that last week was emotional but, now it was time for some fun.  It’s apparent she works really hard with Keo each week and really wants to excel.  I am still shocked they were in the bottom 3 last week.  Loved seeing Jodie’s kids come to practice and be so excited for this week!

Their dance was a lot of fun, Keo is really getting to show his talents IMG_2561 (2)as a pro on the show this season and Jodie never stopped smiling even though they were having a few issues in the dance.  She said later that she couldn’t hear the music over the enthusiastic fans which really made it hard for her in the Cha-cha.  Bruno is waiting for the WOW factor, I agree she has it in her absolutely.  She just needs a breakout week.  Len had a lot of positive comments which I thought was great.  Jodie really has the potential and I hope they have the chance to let it shine.

Scores: 7-6-7-7 (27 out of 30)


Von Miller and Witney Carson:

Dance:  Viennese waltz/Song: “A Dream Is A Wish” from Cinderella


Witney looked absolutely breathtaking tonight. The perfect Cinderella.  This couple I am still on the fence about.  I don’t think the packages help matters, especially the comment on how did we end up with the same scores as them?  I don’t blame Witney for her rules that would drive me crazy too and it’s just not polite.

Witney did a great job with the choreography, with the major height difference bIMG_2558 (2)etween them I am sure this dance was challenging to keep the frame.  I found it hard when I was learning to dance to do it with someone the same height as me.  I do think this was Von’s best dance to date.  I just think maybe he isn’t connecting with the audience or something.   Will be interesting to see how he does in switch up week.

Scores: 8-8-8-8 (32 out of 40)



Ginger Zee and Valentin Chmerkovskiy

Dance:  Foxtrot/Song: “Belle (Bonjour)” from Beauty And the Beast


I am in love with #teamGinandJuice!  They are such a great positive match and I look forward to their dances each week.  Ginger is totally living the dream of so many on this show and to be partnered with Val too!  Val is so relaxed and you can tell how much fun they are having even as they work hard!

Ginger could easily be on Broadway I literally smiled through their entire dance it was absolute PERFECTION. Val made a very sexy Gaston it was so fun watching them both bring their characters to life tonight! Val Good Val you deserve tremendous praise for your creativity on this dance.   You perfectly choreographed to all of Ginger’s strengths and I truly thought it deserved 10 but, let’s see what the judges say.

I thought it deserved a 10 but, straight 9’s still puts them to the top of the leaderboard.  You had your breakout week Ginger!

Scores: 9-9-9-9 (36 out of 40)



Wanya Morris & Lindsay Arnold:

Dance: Samba/Song:  “Circle of Life” from The Lion King


Wanya is such a powerhouse, I am thinking tonight he will be one to watch.  He Cep4rolWEAEOy_n.jpg largeseems to excel with the faster dance styles.  He absolutely has that competitive drive and he’s fun to watch.

Their dance was crazy powerful, fast, really allowed Wanya to show off his tremendous presence.  Lindsay has been doing a great job creating very unique, fresh dances each week.  She and Wanya really are a fun partnership to watch as
well.   He has a great spirit and I love his drive to be his personal best which will take him far in the competition.

Scores:  8-9-9-9 (35 out of 40)


Paige Vanzant and Mark Ballas:

Dance:  Quickstep/Song: “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” from Toy Story


Paige seems like such a sweet girl.  Love that she has found friends on DWTS.  Their song tonight truly fits her sweet and fun personality.  She’s an absolute contender this season and she shines every single week when she hits the daCeGvaQ3XIAE9fGonce floor.

I am enjoying Mark’s choreography this season.  Sometimes his routine
s are a bit too theatrical for me but, this season he is in a great zone.  He is showing off Paige’s talent and personality in every routine.  They did such a great job tonight, it was fun, it was filled with content and you can tell Mark is really challenging her.  They truly captured the story, I absolutely loved it!

Scores:  9-9-9-9 (36 out of 40)


Elimination Time:

Bottom 2:

Keo and Jodie

Tony and Marla

Neither of these couples belonged in the bottom 2 in my opinion.  It was awful to see Tony and Marla go home.  Marla was so amazing all season and I truly enjoyed her partnership with Tony.

Final thoughts:

Bravo to ALL of the dancers, makeup artists, crew, set design, hair, costumes and everyone that worked hard on this show.  It was truly an amazing production from start to finish!  It’s the Switch Up next week below would be my ideal switch up’s. Switch up week is always so interesting because we are just seeing all of these partnerships grow and then they get thrown a curveball but it can also be helpful to get another pros prospective.   The new partners will be announced on GMA 4/13.

My ideal switch up partners:

Val and Jodie

Keo and Ginger

Mark and Kim

Sasha and Paige

Sharna and Nyle

Peta and Antonio

Witney and Wanya

Lindsay and Doug

Karina and Von



I look forward to hearing your thoughts on social m
edia!  To follow me go to @lightscmemories on IG & Twitter and Facebook:








Just a reminder too if you want to get tickets to the HOTTEST tour this summer go to:  I will be blogging on the show and their various amazing VIP Packages this summer.

maks and val

I could not be more excited & happy to say that after watching for 22 seasons I will be a part of the live audience next week!  It will give me a whole new perspective watching it live and I cannot wait to see all of these talented individuals perform in person!

VOTE by phone, facebook and on to avoid future surprising eliminations.


Until next time,




Entertainment Blog

Dancing with the Stars Season 22 Week 3

                    Most Memorable Year

This week is always one of the more emotional weeks on the show.  It allows you to learn more about the stars, their history, loss, love, struggle, triumphs, survival, dreams and so much more.  You also start to see the relationships truly forming between the Pros and their partners.

Break out the tissues I am sure it will be a special night!


Ginger Zee and Valentin Chmerkovskiy:  Contemporary



Ginger is just adorable.   She seems so sweet and genuine.  I loved learning more about her story.  Her most memorable year was 2013 when everything in her life started to change, she took Val to the spot where she had her first date, her first kiss and engagement with her now husband.   She also shared that her career had always been #1 until she met her husband Ben.  For me personally her story really hit home.  I think life puts you in the path of what is meant to be and you have to be open to the new experiences, the adventures, the change because just like Ginger it could be fate is putting you in the path of your Mr. Right, your dream job and the path you are meant to take in life.  Now they have a beautiful baby.  They danced to Phillip Phillip’s Home.

Ginger and Val did a really beautiful contemporary dance.  I thought it was clean, emotional, beautiful, fun and truly expressed Ginger’s love story.   Plus I think it allowed us the viewers to see a different side to Ginger’s abilities.  The firVal Goodst two weeks she had the faster dances in the Samba and Jive.   This time she had to slow it down and I thought she truly demonstrated the emotion of the dance which isn’t always an easy thing to do when you have so much swirling through your head.  Val always delivers 100% to his partners, brilliant choreography and displays pure kindness.  That’s what makes him such a great partner and teacher.  BRAVO Ginger and Val what a great way to start off the night. OMG how cute was Adrian, and Ben’s blinged out baby carrier wrap was the best! I thought the judges scored it too low.

Scores:  7-7-7 (21 out of 30)



Doug Flutie and Karina Smirnoff:  Waltz



Doug is so sweet and truly takes the approach to dancing from the heart.  I am really routing for him because you just see the improvement and desire in him each and every week. He had such a wonderful upbringing, humble roots and a very loving home.  Doug’s most memorable year was 2015.  Doug’s family suffered a truly heartbreaking double tragedy.  His Dad passed away and his Mom got up and walked over, gave his Dad a kiss and then fell forward and passed away as well.  Doctor’s said the only explanation was dying of a broken heart.   He and Karina are dancing to the song Rainbow Connection to honor his parents.

I don’t know how anyone could watch that dance and not have tears.  Karina choreographed a beautiful tribute to Doug’s parents.   Doug continues to improve weeCep-pQ4WEAAirCqk after week and this week was no exception.  He overcame a tiny mishap where it looked like he might have tripped on Karina’s foot, but, he recovered it well.  You could feel the love and loss through every movement of that dance.  That is one of the things I love so much about dance when you have the ability to show the feelings inside through the movement.  The judges all gave him great feedback and suggestions but, acknowledged what a beautiful job he did.

Scores:    7-6-7 (20 out of 30)




Kim Fields and Sasha Farber:  Foxtrot




I think Kim is also improving week over week.  I can remember watching Kim on Facts of Life as a little girl.  Her most memorable year was 1976 when she booked her first gig in the Mrs. Butterworth commercial.  Loved the message her Mom gave her telling her she had to believe this is why they went to CA and believe God isn’t going to let you down.  She went back out and a star was born!  It lead to Good Times and then Facts of Life. Kim wanted this dance to be a thank you to the fans.  I saw a huge change in Kim this weekCeqXaXfWIAA1BSq.  She seemed to relax and was having a lot more fun with the rehearsals. Kim and Sasha make such an adorable partnership.

Tonight was their best dance to date hands down.  Again, it truly looked like Kim had fun through the entire dance.  It was spunky, it was clean, it was so much fun and free spirited.  The judges all thanked Sasha for all the great content.  I loved seeing Kim’s pure exuberance and she and Sasha should both be so proud of their great performance.

Scores:  8-7-7 (22 out of 30)


Von Miller and Witney Carson: Contemporary




I am still trying to put my finger on what Von hasn’t shown us yet…maybe more vulnerability? I don’t think he is bad dancer, I just think for me anyway something isn’t connecting or translating to the viewers the same way it is for Doug and Antonio.  I think the package this week helped everyone to get to know him a little better.   His most memorable year was 2016 when he won the Super Bowl and was named the MVP.  We learned his backstory that is Dad didn’t want him to play football in the beginning but, his Mom went behind his back and signed up both boys. In the end what a wonderful decision she made, you know what they say Momma knows best.  His Dad is quitIMG_2558 (2)e proud to say his son was the MVP of a Super Bowl!  In the Air Tonight is the song they are dancing to which is the song Von listens to before each game to put him in the right mindset.

This is always one of Witney’s best dance styles to choreograph.  She did another wonderful job tonight.  I thought tonight was also Von’s best dance to date.  I thought the judges all had great feedback for him and maybe Carrie Ann nailed it by saying she doesn’t feel he is giving it 100% all the way through.  I definitely felt like he was more in it this week than the last two weeks and you can see the partnership growing.  He seemed more relaxed this week too so maybe it will just take time, I think everyone’s journey is always different.

Scores:  7-6-7 (20 out of 30)


Marla Maples & Tony Dovolani:  Jive




Marla is just such a classy woman, it truly comes across in all that she does.  I think she and Tony make such a wonderful pair.  Her most memorable year was 1993 when her daughter Tiffany was born.  She and Donald Trump divorced in the year 2000 and Marla became a single mom to Tiffany.  She seems like she would be such a hip, fun mom.  You could see the special bond they have in the package.

They danced to the song Happy.  I loved it!  Their daTony goodnce was light, it was fun, had lots of content and filled with joy.  Marla always pays attention to the details and clearly works on it.  I would say Tiffany is probably beaming with pride for her mom right now.  Tony’s pure joy is also so much fun to see.  I love it when he gets great partners and can really demonstrate what an amazing teacher/dancer he is and his fun personality.  The judges all had great feedback and suggestions.

Scores: 7-7-7 (21 out of 30)



Antonio Brown & Sharna Burgess (Guest appearance by Antonio Jr):  Foxtrot




I am impressed by Antonio each week and I love his partnership with Sharna.  Antonio makes himself vulnerable and I truly feel he gives it 100% each week.  I love his attitude when he said it’s not about how we start its how we progress and how we finish.  His most memorable year was 2007, he was a freshman in college, and broke a college record on the same day his son was born.  The birth of his son truly impacted his life.  He realized right then that he had to work hard and wanted to give his son the life he didn’t have growing up.  Telling your children that you love them, playing with them and giving them your time are all precious gifts.  Antonio’s eyes truly just lit up in the package when he was talking about his children.

They danced to 7 Years which was a beautiful song choice and I loved how they incorporated Antonio Jr in the piece.  Antonio Jr has such a bright personality like his dad.  I loved it, I route IMG_2560 (2)for Antonio each week for many reasons.  He makes improvements each week, he is fun and animated.  He is just a joy to watch.   Judges had mixed reviews.  Carrie Ann loved it, Len still thinks a lot of improvement and refinement was needed.  Again this week I feel the scores were too low for Antonio and Sharna.

Scores:  7-6-7 (20 out of 30)



Paige Vanzant and Mark Ballas:  Paso Doble




Mark is back after being out last week due to a back injury and Paige continues to be one to watch this season.  She is a very talented dancer and it’s amazing how graceful she is coming from being a UFC fighter.  Her most memorable year was 2014 when she was in her first UFC fight. Her story about being bullied I am sure resonated with so many of the viewers.  It’s truly one of the most difficult things to go through as a teen or adult.  I love to see amazing stories like this where they got through it, she found her inner strength and found an outlet.  She is currently in the top 10 best fighters in the world.  Anyone being bullied right now please see you can get through it, even though the days can be dark you will find your bright light, your outlet, your passion.  Don’t give in because the bullies win if you do.CeGvaQ3XIAE9fGo

Their dance was nothing short of AMAZING.  If we don’t see Paige in the final 3 I will be really shocked.  She put down another strong, intense, fantastic performance.  Mark pushed the limits in his choreography which he often does.  I thought he perfectly showcased Paige’s story this week.  It truly was a wonderful performance, way to go!  Will be interesting to see what the judges say.  Len liked the performance but, to him it wasn’t a Paso.  Carrie Ann said it was Bad A**.

Scores:  8-7-8 (23 out of 30)



Jodie Sweetin & Keo Motsepe:  Foxtrot


Jodie is opJodieening herself up more and more each week.  Her story wasn’t always perfect, she went through some tough times with drug and alcohol addiction when she was trying to numb the pain she was feeling inside.  It’s a common issue for child actors.  They live these bigger than life experiences and then the role ends and the world in a way gets quiet and they are still just a teen trying to grow up.   Her most memorable year was this year when Fuller House came back in 2016.  She has been sober now for 5 years.  She is a Mom and it was great listening to her co-stars describe what a real person she is.  The story of her mom saying that she had such a bright light when she was a kid and how she watched it become very dark really pulled at your heart strings.

They danced to Rise Up by Andra Day.  My initial thought was they should have had the performer off the floor because it was distracting watching the dance. I thought Jodie performed absolutely beautiful and put her whole heart inIMG_2561 (2)to every movement.  It was clean, it was purely emotional and you could see how bright Jodie’s light truly is shining once again.  They should be incredibly proud of their performance tonight.  Hands down Jodie’s best dance to date.

Scores:  8-7-8 (23 out of 30)



Mischa Barton and Artem Chigvintsev:  Samba



There was lot of discussion last week about Mischa’s behavior after the performance among the fans.  I can see how some felt she walked off because she didn’t want to get upset on camera but, I still hold the opinion she was being a bit of a diva.  I think the package also showed that.  Blaming Artem?  Seriously he has been extremely patient with her and is one of the sweetest pros.  He truly seems like he had his hands full.  So many people would love to have the opportunity that Mischa has by being on this cast and it has felt every week to me like she didn’t want to be there.  I still think they will be the ones going home tonight which makes me sad for Artem.  Her most memorable year was 2008 when the OC was at its prime and she wasn’t sure she was enjoying it anymore.   My opinion she knew this was going to be her last week on the show and she did show up and seemed to enjoy it.

They danced to Party in the USA.   It was definitely her best performance to date.  It was ok overall.  It was nice to see her smiling and having more fun.  Artem it seems deserves an award for patience.

Scores:  6-6-6 (18 out of 30)


Wanya Morris & Lindsay Arnold:  Waltz




Wanya is such a joy to watch perform and I think he will continue to be one to watch this season.   His most memorable year was 1996 when Boyz II Men performed at the closing ceremonies of the Olympics in Atlanta after a terrorist bombing.  Wayna shard how impactful it was to perform not only in front of all those people, under those circumstances but, it was such a huge moment for him.  He felt like they truly had made it.

They danced to the National Anthem.   I thougCep4rolWEAEOy_n.jpg largeht they had another solid performance.  I do think the slower dances are just different and maybe a bit more challenging for Wayna.  His big personality shines more in the faster tempo dances but, it was still a good performance.  Y
ou can tell he works hard, he has determination and overall a pleasure to watch each week.  Without a doubt everyone is very proud of you Wanya and fabulous job in the choreographed Lindsay!

Scores: 8-8-8 (24 out of 30)



Nyle DiMarco & Peta Murgatroyd:  Tango



I really look forward to Nyle and Peta’s dance each week.  I am in awe of Nyle and his fearlessness and willingness to learn to dance and not let his challenges stop him.  Peta continues to do an absolutely stellar job not only teaching Nyle but, standing up for him.  I completely agree what Peta said about the judges’ comments last week about his musicality. My family and I were talking about that earlier this evening.  I don’t know how you can make a comment like that when he is deaf and what he is doing week after week is nothing short of remarkable.  I sit on the edge of my seat each week to watch this beautiful story unfold.  His most memorable year was 2012 when he traveled the world without an interpreter.  I love that his mom never taught Nyle that deaf people are disabled she taught him that he is who he is, a human being.  He comes from a deaf family that goes back 4 generations. He truly is fearless in every single way and I hope he knows what a true inspiration he is to so many.  Nothing should stop you from trying something new, to putting yourself out there.12794640_1708426052703623_6862659142724183090_n

They danced to Verge.   Their dance was bold, dynamic, passionate, powerful, and precise and again I am sitting here blown away at the performance.  Nyle is also one to watch!  He hits every beat, every move, and every emotion of the dance. It was stunning.  I am glad Carrie Ann acknowledged her comments last week and clarified what she meant.  I have to agree he is better than Superman.  Phenomenal.

Scores:  8-8-9 (25 out of 30)


Elimination Time:

1st couple in jeopardy:  Doug and Karina

2nd couple in jeopardy:  Mischa and Artem

3rd couple in jeopardy:  Jodie and Keo

You literally had to pick my mouth up off the floor when they announced Jodie and Keo were in jeopardy.  This is why you have to VOTE!  They absolutely did not deserve to be in jeopardy.

Mischa and Artem were eliminated.  I cannot think of a time that someone looked so happy to be going home.  Artem you are a gem as always and we hate to see you go so early in the season.


Top of the Leaderboard this week: 

Nyle and Peta

Bottom of the Leaderboard this week, tie with all 3 football players:

Doug & Karina

Von & Witney

Antonio & Sharna


I look forward to hearing your thoughts on social media!  To follow me go to @lightscmemories on IG & Twitter and Facebook:

Just a reminder too if you want to get tickets to the hottest tour this summer go to:  I will be blogging on the show and their VIP Pkgs this summer.

maks and val

REMEMBER TO VOTE for your favorites to avoid any surprise eliminations!


Until next time,



Entertainment Blog

Dancing with the Stars Season 22, Episode 2 LATIN night

Who’s going home tonight…all I know is we are in for a red hot LATIN night!

The opening number was smoldering!  The female pros were slaying it and well the male pros were sexy as usual!  I LOVE Latin night!  Let’s get this night rolling!

Up first!

Jodie Sweetin & Keo Motsepe:  Tonight’s Dance: Samba.  Jodie mentioned feeling the pressure and you can tell again that she is a perfectionist.  It’s so hard to learn to dance but, to learn in this time frame definitely dials the pressure up and more so for a Type A/perfectionist type.  I should know I am one as well we want to do everything perfect right away.  Jodie will need to remember why she is doing it in addition to winning it is to have fun.  I thought she did great toIMG_2561 (2)night!  She stayed right on pace with the female troupe members behind her.  It was hot, it was sexy, it demonstrated how hard she worked and Len was happy with the true Samba content.  I also have to give a kudos to Keo, we are finally getting to see his talent as a choreographer.  I know Jodie will go far in this competition.  Great job!

Scores:  7-7-7 (21 out of 30)


Marla Maples & Tony Dovolani:  Tonight’s Dance:  Argentine Tango.  Tony mentioned Marla shined from the word GO last week and I agree.  Marla really was amazing and this partnership is going to be one to watch.  Tony has such amazing charisma.  Marla and Tony provide a very sophisticated pairing.  Marla eats hCeGR_xRUEAA4qp2.jpg largeealthy and it shows, she looks fantastic.  Tonight’s dance was sexy & hot for sure.  I thought it was precise, she had great lines and had the character of the dance down.  Seems Glen wanted more intensity or down and dirty based on his score/comments. Overall good feedback from the judges.   Good job Marla & Tony!

Scores:  7-6-7 (20 out of 30)



Geraldo Rivera and Edyta Sliwinska:  Tonight’s Dance:  Salsa.  This is a fun dance to learn.  Geraldo really has the most to prove this week.  This is not a walking competition it’s a dancing competition at the end of the day.  He cannot just stand there and have Edyta dance around him each week.  The character he was trying to portray in Donald Trump was there but, the content in the dance was not.  I didn’t even see the basic salsa moves.   He truly should be the one that goes home this week.  It’s been so nice having Edyta back.  She is a fabulous dancer!

Scores:  5-4-4 (13 out of 30)


Paige Vanzant and Mark Ballas (Alan Bernsten):  Tonight’s Dance:  Salsa.  Mark injured his back at rehearsal the day before so Alan is filling him for him tonight.  Mark doesn’t know the status yet as he is still waiting for MRI and other scan resCeGvaQ3XIAE9fGoults.  Under the circumstances this really allowed Alan to be able to highlight his talents and I hope one day we will see him as a Pro.  He is such a sweet man and a great dancer.  Paige and Alan slayed that dance…WOW.  It was hot, it was powerful, it had fantastic hip action, lifts etc. Paige is adorable and such a powerhouse athlete.  Paige is another one to watch this season and I would bet we will see her in the final weeks for sure!  It seems l
ike I am saying that about so many but, man this season is filled with amazing talent.  Incredible!  Paige you were able to roll with the punches and pulled off an amazing performance with Alan, BRAVO!

Scores:  8-8-8 (24 out of 30)


Antonio Brown & Sharna Burgess:  Tonight’s Dance:  Rumba.  I am excited to watch this pair do the rumba, it’s such a passionate dance.  They are a hot pair and Sharna is so sweet.  Let’s see if Antonio can IMG_2560 (2)invade Sharna’s personal space tonight.  Antonio’s smile throughout the dance was just adorable.  I really love this pair.  It was full of chemistry, sex appeal, lust, you could feel the emotion and they should be proud of their performance.  Bruno made a point of stressing to keep fluid motion in the rumba.  Carrie Ann busted them on the lift and Len thinks Antonio has potential.  I was shocked at the scores, seriously 2 6’s?  What?  That was a hot rumba.  Sharna will help fine tune all of his movements, she is one of the best!

Scores:  6-6-7 (19 out of 30)


Kim Fields and Sasha Farber:   Tonight’s Dance:  Salsa:  Sasha is such a great teacher and a kind, sweet man.  Kim just needs to learn that he is trying to help her to succeed not trying to hurt her feelings.  I understand how she could be CeqXaXfWIAA1BSqemotional though, it’s a lot of hours and pressure.  She is such a great dynamic performer.  I think she has a lot of potential.  The dance was fun, she had great energy and great movement.  There looked to be a few bumps in the routine but, overall it was good.   The judges all noted a mistake.  Bruno gave her great advice on how to cover it in the future.  Carrie Ann told her she has Tina Turner legs and a Beyoncé upper body.  I thought the scores were fair.  Keep working
hard Kim you do have potential.

Scores:  7-6-6 (19 out of 30)



Nyle DiMarco & Peta Murgatroyd:  Tonight’s Dance:  Rumba.  This dance is sure to be hot!  Peta and Nyle are both gorgeous and talented.  Nyle has the most beautiful eyes, my gosh.  I am just in awe of Nyle’s p12794640_1708426052703623_6862659142724183090_nerformance and Peta’s teaching ability.  It is beyond stunning to watch them dance, keep timing, the way they do, Nyle’s ability to follow Peta’s eye’s, her body and cue’s.  It’s all truly amazing to watch.  The judges commented on the lift and they will get a deduction for that.  I totally didn’t agree with Len on this one.  He thought there was too much, it should have slo
wer.  Bruno offered some valuable feedback on how to finish his hand movements when he cannot hear the music.  Carrie Ann thought it was stunning.   I thought Len’s score was too low in this case.  They are absolutely beautiful and I look forward to their dance each week.

Scores:  7-6-7 (20 out of 30)



Mischa Barton and Artem Chigvintsev:  Tonight’s Dance:  Cha-Cha.  Mischa you have such an amazing partner in Artem and such potential to succeed.  I worry already by what is being portrayed in the packages.  You want America to pull for you and after watching this show for so many seasons you have to really let your guard down and let people get to knoCeqMCuaWsAAVAFvw you, to root for you.  I would say as an observer you have to put in more time/effort because in a way it still looks like you are still walking and not dancing.  Dancing doesn’t come naturally to everyone but, you can do this!  There were definitely some mistakes.  I think the judges all gave her good feedback.  She needs to take it as feedback, learn from it and improve for next week.  They are trying to help her.  Again, I will say she has one of the best pro’s in her corner, soak in all the effort Artem is offering you.  You also cannot just walk off like that on live TV it comes off like you are being a diva.  It’s understandable if you were upset or sad just hold it in for another few seconds vs. walking off on camera.  Think of who is voting for you.

Scores:  5-5-5- (15 out of 30)


Von Miller and Witney Carson: Tonight’s Dance:  Cha Cha.  Witney is getting a lot of BarIMG_2558 (2)bie Drill Sargent talk online.  She is a tough instructor but, she’s good.  I am still a little unsure of this matchup.  Nothing against either person just not seeing them click as much as some of the pairs but, I am sure that will come in time it’s only week 2.   Seriously the farting is just gross.   Witney had fun choreography but, something was off to me.  It was ok overall just not the potential I think they have as a pair.  I am surprised they scored ahead of Antonio because I did think Sharna & Antonio were better this week.  Hopefully next week we will see a totally WOW performance from them because I do think they have the potential.

Scores:  7-6-7 (20 out of 30)

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Wanya Morris & Lindsay Arnold:  Tonight’s Dance:  Salsa.  Wanya is a big guy like the football players but, he sure can move.  They definitely have the potential to go far this season.  Tonight they truly gave another WOW performance.  It was great, it was full of fun energy, great content and personality.  Wanya can let loose and even though they are traveling while he performs with Boyz II Men they clearly put in the time & effort.   Absolutely fantastic job Wa
nya & Lindsay!

Scores:  8-8-8 (24 out of 30)


Doug Flutie and Karina Smirnoff:   Tonight’s Dance:  Paso Doble.   I am routing for Doug to improve tonight.  There is somCep-pQ4WEAAirCqething about him as a fan of the show I want to see him improve and bring it!   Doug brought the house down with that dance tonight!  What an improvement over last week,  he showed strength, effort, energy, power, was in character and it was so dynamic!   I thought the judges gave him great feedback, positive reinforcement and suggestions.  Doug should be very proud of himself it was truly fantastic and great job to Karina as well.

Scores: 7-6-7 (20 out of 30)



Ginger Zee and Valentin Chmerkovskiy: Tonight’s Dance:  Samba.  OMG the package had me laughing.  If anyone can bring your sexy swagger back Ginger it is Val!  He is just amazing.  I r10330488_995088973915769_2101253935252464536_neally like Ginger, she is adorable and fun to watch.  She is spunky and sweet and seriously is so fortunate to have Val as her partner.  There was a minor slip up but she was good at not letting it get to her and not showing it on her face she just kept moving. That comes from Val’s great teaching ability, you just keep moving.  Kudos to Val from Len on the content of the dance!  She has such a bright light that shines and they will absolutely go far in this competition in my opinion.  I liked what Carrie Ann said that sexiness is just owning your own unique beauty.  Ginger you did great!  Val fantastic job on the choreography.  This was a fantastic performance, I think the scores were probably fair given a few small errors but, they should be happy with their performance!

Scores:  7-7-7 (21 out of 30)


Elimination time:  Mischa & Artem, Geraldo & Edyta and Doug and Karina were the bottom 3 tonight.   First couple to be eliminated was:  Geraldo & Edyta.  Truly that was the right result.

Final thoughts.  I think Mischa will be going home next week and I hate to say it because I adore Artem but, between her dance performance tonight and the total diva behavior it’s going to hurt her with the voters.  The other low score performances this week all demonstrated more effort and showed more personality.

This season is packed with talent that is for sure, it’s going to be so interesting how it all pans out.  I don’t even think I could pick the top 3 yet.   I love Monday nights it always inspires me to keep up my own dance lessons.  What fun it would be to be on this show!

Top of Leaderboard:

Paige & Mark

Wanya & Lindsay

Bottom of Leaderboard:

Mischa & Artem.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on social media!  To follow me go to @lightscmemories on IG & Twitter and Facebook:

Just a reminder too if you want to get tickets to the hottest tour this summer go to:  I will be blogging on the show and their VIP Pkgs all summer.

REMEMBER TO VOTE:  I included edits this week from twitter with all the voting information on them!


Until next time,



Entertainment Blog

Dancing With the Stars Season 22 Premiere


This season of Dancing with the Stars has the potential to be the best season to date.  There is a lot of talent and fun personalities on the cast.  I have been watching this show since Season 1 and it continues to improve year after year and it truly is a guilty pleasure of mine.  Watching the show and going on the tours inspired me to learn to dance.  I recently did a boot camp in NYC and truly had fun and surprised myself.  It’s not easy that is for sure, it is great exercise and its fun to challenge yourself.

Opening number was a lot of fun, you could feel the energy through the television screen and it must have been fantastic fun to be in the audience.  I hope one day I will be lucky enough to sit in the audience.  You have to sign up for a waiting list and then they contact you as tickets become available.

It’s also great to have Len back.  He is often tough but, he does provide a lot of great insight in his critiques.  Carrie Ann and Bruno are always a pleasure and Bruno just makes me smile every week with his passionate critiques.


Kim Fields and Sasha Farber:  First things first, it’s so great to have Sasha back as a Pro.  He tru12823324_10153965771476740_974804722933452386_oly deserves this opportunity and Kim is lucky to have him as a partner.  Kim Fields was on Facts of Life, Living Single and Real Housewives of Atlanta.   First dance is the Cha-Cha.   I thought they did a good job for the first week.  The Cha-Cha in my opinion is a difficult dance to learn.  Kim showed a lot of personality, charisma and truly looked like she was having a lot of fun out there.

Scores:   7-6-7 (20 out of 30)



Paige Vanzant and Mark Ballas:  Paige is a UFC Fighter and Mark is a two time DWTS Champion.  Paige is adorable and has a f10849077_10153965771496740_544914179149190498_oun personality.  First dance:  Foxtrot.  I thought Paige did a great job, she was very elegant and seemed to soften up since the practice footage.  She had a lot of great lines and a lot of grace.    Paige has a lot of potential that is for sure!

Scores:  7-7-7 (21 out of 30)






Doug Flutie and Karina Smirnoff:  Karina has one DWTS Mirror Ball Championship.  Doug is an NFL Legend.  First dance: Foxtrot.  Doug s10403942_10153965770901740_8212991822311955465_oeems to have a Type A personality and truly seems to have the desire to learn.  It’s not easy to try something new that is totally out of your comfort zone.  He has a fun energy and truly looked like he was trying.  Is he a natural dancer…no but, he gave it his all and I give him a lot of credit for that.  I think each week you will see him improve.

Scores:  5-5-5 (15 out of 30)



Jodie Sweetin & Keo Motsepe:  I am so glad Keo has a great partner this year.  The last few seasons for him have been tough and he is truly talented.   Jodie played Stephanie Tanner from Full House and the recent Fuller House series.  She has genuin12801380_10153965771156740_7445900850692429156_ne excitement which is always fun to watch.   She is a perfectionist and it’s hard when you are as you learn to dance because you want everything to be totally correct.   Their first dance was a Tango.   I found this was a fun dance to learn when I took my lessons.  I thought they did a good job.  It had a lot of attitude and was great for a week 1 performance.   Jodie has a lot of potential to go far this season.

Scores:  7-6-7 (20 out of 30)



Geraldo Rivera and Edyta Sliwinska:  It’s great having Edyta back this season after a 12 season break.  She is extremely talented and beautiful.  Geraldo is best known for his talk show and news reporting.  I didn’t realize he was 72 years old.  First dance:  Cha-Cha.  I am trying to find something positive to say about the performance.  He literally walked through the entire performance and unless he makes a lot of improvement he could be the first one going home or definitely early to leave in the season.

Scores:  5-4-4 (13 out of 30)


Marla Maples & Tony Dovolani:  Tony won the Mirror ball during the All Stars season with Melissa Rycroft.  Marla is a Broadway star, TV Host and ex-wife to Donald Trump.  I am excited about this match up, it has a ton of potential.  Tony is12472821_10153965771166740_6926092552106633690_n just so sweet and such an amazing dancer.  He has a ton of charisma, as does Marla and it will be fun to watch this pair.  First dance: Quickstep.   Marla is very elegant, has a fun personality and a lot of potential.  I think they will go far this season. .  I thought their dance was a lot of fun!


Scores:  7-7-7 (21 out of 30)






Wanya Morris & Lindsay Arnold:  Wanya is a singer in the group Boyz II Men.   This is Lindsay’s third season.   First da12799222_10153965771421740_4729347111452576560_nnce:  Cha-Cha.  Wanya has a fun personality and his charisma shines through the TV screen.  He’s going to fun to watch!  This pair reminded me so much of Alfonso and Witney.  I think he will go far in this competition for sure, so much fun to watch this pair!

Scores:  8-7-8 (23 out of 30)



Ginger Zee and Valentin Chmerkovskiy:  Ginger is a new Mom and a meteorologist on GMA.  Val won the Mirror Ball with Rumor in Season 20.  Full disclosure I am a huge Val supporter, have been since his very first appearance on the show. He has that special gift, a huge heart and he is so sweet to everyone he comes in contact with.  Ginger is super cute, she has a lot of spunk 12792091_10153965771136740_2438778521254467278_oand a desire to learn.   First dance:  Jive.  This was a challenging first dance.  Jive does not look like an easy dance to learn.  Val posted a video of his swollen knees on Instagram one night after practice.  Ginger really has a dynamic personality and I think this pair has a lot of potential.  Val is a great teacher and they will be another fun pair to watch.


Scores:  8-7-8 (23 out of 30)




Mischa Barton and Artem Chigvintsev:  Artem is such a gem, what a n10540571_10153965771586740_2272354560326802284_oice person and a true talent.  Mischa is well known for being an actress on the OC.  First dance:  Tango.   Mischa is definitely not a natural dancer.   She did ok for the first dance and I think she will need to put a lot more work/effort into it to be successful this season especially with this cast.  I am sure she was nervous.  I also think she will need to relax a bit and let people get to know.  Artem is a good teacher, hopefully she will loosen up a bit and take advantage of learning from him.

Scores:  5-5-6 (16 out of 30)




Nyle DiMarco & Peta Murgatroyd:  Nyle is deaf, an actor and winner of America’s Next Top Model.  Peta was the Season 14 champion.  I am so excited to watch this pair dance!  Nyle is gorgeous!  First dance:  Cha Cha.  I have one w12832552_10153965771696740_2557852128526259458_nord after watching their performance:  WOW!  The fact he is deaf did not stop him at all.  He can only feel vibrations if the music is loud enough.  Peta did such a fantastic job as a teacher and they truly seemed to be in tune with each other’s bodies.  I am so excited to watch this beautiful pair dance this season.  Nyle truly shows that you cannot let anything stop you from learning, from giving it your all and truly blew everyone away on night one.


Scores:  8-7-8 (23 out of 30)





Antonio Brown & Sharna Burgess:  Antonio plays for the Pittsburg Steelers as a wide receiver.  This is Sharna’s 7th season and she is just a sweetheart.  Loved having her on the Dance All Night tour this year.  I11731703_10153965770896740_5948663774764525204_o think the combination of their personalities is going to make them a team to watch this season!  First dance:  Quickstep.  Antonio did a great job, he has crazy charism as well and this super fun spunk!  I will be really surprised if they don’t go far this season!

Scores:   8-6-7 (21 out of 30)






Von Miller and Witney Carson:  Von Miller plays for the Denver Broncos and was the MVP of this year’s Super Bowl.  Witney won a Mirror Ball in Season 19 with Alfonso.  Witney is a great teacher and a sweet person.  I have seen her on a few of the tours12771532_10153965771321740_4075752511883759128_o and I am sure she will be an asset to teaching Von.  They definitely will be dealing with a major height difference.  First dance: Foxtrot.    I thought they did well for the first dance. Von is charming and I think just needs to loosen up a bit more.

Scores:  8-6-7 (21 out of 30)






To vote this season you can vote up to one hour after the show at the #’s below and vote on FB:

IMG_2531 (2)


Top of the leaderboard this week were:

Wanya & Lindsay

Ginger & Val

Nyle & Peta


Bottom of the leaderboard this week were:

Geraldo & Edyta

Dance Troupe comments:  Welcome to the new members.  I was bummed to see Brittany wasn’t in the troupe this year.  Also wished we had Julz Tocker and Paul Barris in the troupe, they did such a great job on tour this winter.

Final thoughts:  What a season this is going to be!  I always look forward to Monday nights.  Sorry this blog is a bit late this week.  I was traveling for business.   So many great stars this season.  I think from the football player’s night 1 performance Antonio is the one to watch with Von a close second.  It’s going to be such a joy watching Nyle this season, I am still blown away by his performance tonight.  Ginger and Wanya also have a ton of potential.  I think bottom two this week will be Geraldo and either Mischa or Doug.  I think first to go home based on performance should be Geraldo but, we all know it comes down to the votes!

Want to see photos from past tours go to:  @lightscmemories on instagram & twitter!  Also more on my facebook page at:

DWTS Tour is taking the summer off but, you absolutely want to get tickets to the Maks & Val Our Way tour!  I cannot wait to blog about the show, the amazing VIP pkgs and more!


Until next time,
















Entertainment Blog

Dancing With the Stars – Dance All Night Tour

Dancing With the Stars

Dance All Night Tour 2015-2016

Dancing With the Stars Dance All Night Tour 2015-2016    This was my 3rd Dancing with the Stars tour and hands down the BEST one to date! The stage set up with fantastic, great music/dance selection and the cast was filled with not only great talent but, the kindest people.

I went to four shows on this tour and did VIP for each. I will talk more about the VIP portion of the experience in another entry.

The cast included: Valentin Chmerkovskiy, Sharna Burgess, Peta Murgatroyd, Lindsay Arnold, Artem Chigvintsev, Keo Motsepe, Emma Slater, Alan Bersten, Brittany Cherry, Jenna Johnson, Paul Barris, Julz Tocker and celebrity from Season 21 Alek Skarlatos and Hayes Grier also joined the cast for a handful of shows!

Picture3I have been asked by several friends what were your favorite dances. That is just so hard to pick because they were all so good for different reasons. I think the ladies would all agree that the men of DWTS doing the Magic Mike dance to Pony was well let’s just say HOT, anyone else need a cold shower after? I took two videos if you want to check them out. This one I affectionately call Magic Val:

Picture2The 2nd video I tried to capture more of the dancers, my seat was a tough angle.

Val and Peta’s dance to Young and Beautiful was so moving. I loved the Gatsby Swing portion as well. The Around the World & Movie section was filled with so many great performances from Brittany & Paul’s Salsa, Alan and Sharna’s “Godfather,” Artem, Emma, Brittany and Lindsay’s “James Bond,” Peta and Keo’s Samba. Brilliance! Artem and Lindsay did a fantastic Argentine Tango that was excellent. The performance of Val, Lindsay, Jenna and Alan to Wicked Games was one you could feel the emotion in the dance. Brittany and Alan’s contemporary to Jealous was also just stunning. Emma and Julz did the most moving waltz, they truly told a story in their dance and you couldn’t help but be caught up in it.Picture5

Every style of dance was perfectly portrayed, you could feel the raw emotion and energy and each performance flew by because it was just that good. I personally loved the audience participation segment. It was fun to watch and for individuals to get to live their dreams of dancing with one of the pros!Picture4

One of the most special moments of the night was the section where the Dancers all described why they dance/what dance means to them. So often on #DWTS it’s always focused on the celebrity. It was so special to learn all of their stories and see how it shaped their joy not only in dance but, in life.Picture6

The group performances were all absolutely stellar. Ending the show with Andy Grammer’s “Good to Be Alive” was perfection. You couldn’t help but, have that song and that happy energy in your head the rest of the night. The dancers gave it their all every single night of the performances and I cannot say enough what a privilege it was to meet them at the meet and greets, but to sit in the audience and watch their talent and brilliance come to life.Picture7

For even more photos please visit my Instagram page @lightscmemories or Facebook :

Until Next Time,


